A Twisted Gardener's Path to This Thing Called Yoga
This is part one in a series of ongoing conversations with Sean. Thank you to Sean for inviting us in to learn more. It’s fair to say...
Precision Alignment
At first, I never knew I was an alignment geek. Then, I feared I might be, and felt self-conscious. Now, I’ve found my tribe and feel...
Good Measure
Beyond the obvious physical benefit, a regular training regimen can be a great measure of internal fortitude. When we decide to improve...
Control Your Mind. Train Your Brain.
Wellness is generally considered a physical condition, a state of bodily fitness that is easy for everyone else to measure by defined...
Find Length to Increase Depth
Low Lunge is a great asymmetrical stretch to develop length along the top of the extended leg and hip strength in the front leg. Because...
ROM + Relief for the Shoulders
To keep any fitness or wellness regimen effective it is critical to find balance between strength and flexibility. Too much focus on...
The scorpion + side plank.
Challenge is fundamental to both recovery and development. No matter what level of fitness you currently maintain there is a place for...
Repeated Effort = MASTERY
“Master your instrument, master the music, and then forget all that…and just play.” ~ Charlie Parker To do anything with ease, you’re...
Find your Angle!
Discover what feels right in EXTENDED SIDE ANGLE using the scorpion mat. Thank you, Gordon, for helping us find our lines!