Move with Sarah — climber, yogi, and trüFORMAT ambassador
"This sequence has been designed with climbers in mind and offers some shoulder and hip openers as well as balance poses. It also incorporates leg stretches with poses such as Skandasana offering a deep stretch to the adductors and hamstrings whilst also helping to build core strength. This continuous warming flow is great for boosting circulation during the winter months and perfect cross-training in between wall sessions."




Hold each posture for 5 breaths
1. Begin in a standing position (Samastihiti); Raise arms, then drop right hand between shoulder blades to bind with left hand Gomukhasana arms
2. Fold forward holding the bind.
3. As you lift your torso change your bind and raise your right knee.
4. Step your right foot back, Ashta Chandrasana.
5. Release your hands and place your right hand to the inside of your left foot. Press the mat away to drive a twist through your torso, coming to an easy twist.

Skandasana Sequence
6. Keep reaching your left hand behind you to deepen the twist.
7. Then spin clockwise around your mat and sink down over your
left heel.
8-9. Option to bind (each side).
10. Inhale, exhale sink over right heel.






11. Inhale, push the floor away with your hands and come to standing bringing your feet parallel. Exhale, clasp your hands behind your back, inhale lift your chest and exhale fold into Prasarita Padottanasana.

12. Inhale, lift and turn to face the top of your mat, coming to the foundation of Utthita Parsvakonasana. Take your right hand behind your back and curl your right fingers around your left thigh. Keep drawing your right shoulder back, moving the shoulder head away from your chest.
Left foot top middle of scorpion mat. Back foot middle of the mat at right-angles to front foot.

13. Inhale, lift and turn to face the top of your mat, coming to the foundation of Utthita Parsvakonasana. Take your right hand behind your back and curl your right fingers around your left thigh. Keep drawing your right shoulder back, moving the shoulder head away from your chest.
Feet hip width and hands shoulder width. All positioned equidistant from the centre point of your scorpion mat.

14. As you inhale, slide your chest forward and lift to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.


15. Exhale to Adho Mukha Svanasana then inhaling raise your left leg and drop the foot back towards your butt.
16. Exhale step your foot by your left wrist. Wrap your right hand around your left hip, reach a little further forward with your left hand and then raise your right leg, coming into a variation of Ardha Chandrasana.
17. Release the right hand from your left hip and place it on your right hip. Then lift your left finger-tips away from your mat and as you slowly lift to standing draw your right knee towards your chest. Return to Samastihiti before repeating to the other side.
18. Returning once again to Samastihiti, clasp your hands behind your back and then simultaneously fold your torso forward, whilst raising your left leg, coming to a variation of Digasana.



19. Start bending your right knee and slowly lower left toes to the back of your mat. Release your arms and lower your left knee to the mat. Press your left hand onto your mat whilst reaching behind to catch you right foot in your right hand. Keep pushing the back of your foot into your palm to deepen the stretch until you feel your quads and shoulders are being stretched.
20. Release the pose and come to Anahatasana, hold for 10 breaths.
21. Return to Adho Mukha Svanasana.
22. Step left foot forward. Interlace your fingers behind your back, take a deep inhalation, lengthening through your spine and then exhale into Parsvottanasana D.





23. Shift your weight into your left foot, move forward and then swing your right leg in front of your left. Slowly start to curl your right toes behind your left calf coming into Garudasana legs. Next take your right arm over left. Keep the arms crossed and slowly uncross the legs.
24. Repeat, switch sides. Left leg over right.

25. Release your left leg. Swing it behind you. Release your arms and bring them to prayer position behind your back, coming to second variation of Digasana. Return to standing position (Samastihiti). Repeat on the opposite side.
26. Once you have completed the second side take a wide stance at the top of your mat. If you have tight hips then you can turn your heels slightly inwards before sinking to Malasana. Hold the pose for a minimum of 10 breaths with option of binding on each side.
27. Repeat on opposite side.


Hold each posture for 10 breaths

28. Release your bind, take Kali mudra and raise your arms, pushing down through your legs and using core strength to hold this final, powerful pose.
29. Slowly sink back to your mat. Bring the soles of your feet together and come to Baddha Konasana.